Are you GDPR Ready?
GDPR – The general Data Protection Regulation is set to replace the current Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA) and came into effect on the 25th May 2018. Current legislation for this area dates back over 20 years. As we all know, in terms of security, data and internet use practice have changed considerably during this time. More specifically cloud computing and social networks have changed the way we use and store data.
GDPR will affect any organisation that obtains and stores personal data; including, names, photographs, social media details, health records and bank details. It will affect a vast range of sectors across business, education and health to name a few.
Networked printers and MFP’s are often not considered when it comes to security measures. However, these devices store and process data and as intelligent devices have the same security vulnerabilities as any other network device.
CQ BUSINESS SYSTEMS takes protection of customer data very seriously. Our systems have been designed to safeguard identifiable data and provide organisations with ways to secure print, scan and copy.
IT security is indispensable for secure business operations and uninterrupted processes. Whether it is because of the increasing threat of cyber attacks, the growing number of applications and sensitive data, or new regulatory requirements, security in the office communication represents a challenge for every company, and should therefore be at the very top of your agenda.
The UTAX Data Security Kit from CQ BUSINESS SYSTEMS ensures the protection of your confidential information, right at the system level:
- It overwrites and encrypts copying, scanning and printing data, even before they are saved to the hard drive.
- In addition, the memory area for the output data is automatically deleted so that the data cannot be restored.
- Originals whose data is temporarily stored on a hard drive or in memory during copying or scanning remain there unprotected until other data is saved.
Do You Know The Gaps In Your System?
Are data streams within your company protected against unauthorized access during processing and administration? Can you exclude the possibility of unauthorised read-out of archived or temporarily stored printing data?
Data Security Kit Closes The Gaps – Permanently
Automatic and permanent overwriting:
The Data Security Kit deletes and overwrites the output data in the memory area of your MFP or printer, so that they can no longer be restored. This process is permanent and automatic.
The UTAX Security Pack stands out with an impressive multi-level security system. Sit back and relax – print jobs that involve sensitive data are safe from prying eyes. Prints are only released with an ID Card or username and password.
If any of these issues are a concern to your business we will be happy to assist you immediately, so book a free consultation with us now.